The Higher School of Security and Economics is a successor of College of Economics and Administration (CEA) in Plovdiv, and its founders are Prof. Toncho Trendafilov, DES and Prof. Georgi Manolov, DPS. CEA was created by the decision of the 39 th National Assembly, promulgated in issue 97 of the State Gazette (4 th November 2003). In 2006, CEA received institutional accreditation from the National Agency for Assessment and Accreditation (NEAA). In the same year, the College became the first higher school in Plovdiv, which was awarded the Quality Certificate EN ISO 9001:2000. On 1 st July 2010, College of Economics and Administration
– Plovdiv, received a new institutional accreditation from NEAA for a maximum of 6 years. That same year, Moody International awarded a new Quality Certificate – EN ISO 9001: 2008 Thanks to the excellence in learning, achieved in CEA, and the positive assessment of NEAA by the decision of the 43 rd National Assembly of 21 st May 2015, promulgated in No 38 of the State Gazette of 26 th May 2015, College is transformed into a specialized four-year Higher School of Security and Economics (HSSE), which has the right to train students in the educational qualification degrees ”Bachelor“, ”Master“ and ”Doctor“.