Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, and gain experience abroad. The programme aims to build strong partnerships between education and business to foster innovation and competitiveness while promoting employment, with a special focus on tackling youth unemployment.
HSSE successfully reapplied for the Erasmus+ programme in the higher education sector and received an Erasmus+ Charter for the period 2021-2027. In the new programming period – 2021-2027, Erasmus+ offers opportunities for a wide variety of people and organisations from different countries to exchange experiences and good practices.
Looking for a trip? Want to travel to distant countries and see other cultures? Want to get to know yourself and your culture better? Then you have come to the right place!
Take a look at the our Erasmus+ page to learn more about the Erasmus+ opportunities at HSSE!
Erasmus office
If you have any further questions or would like to get more information about your stay at HSSE, please contact the Erasmus Office!
Mr. Boris Zarkov
Erasmus+ and Projects Coordinator
Tel.: +359 88 239 2745
email: erasmus@vusi.bg
Why studing in Plovdiv and Bulgaria?
Bulgaria is the sixteenth-largest country in Europe and it is very famous for its old culture, historical cities, rose fields and beautiful beaches along the Black Sea cost.
HSSE is situated in Plovdiv, which is the cultural capital of Bulgaria and was the European Capital of Culture in 2019. Plovdiv is the second largest city in Bulgaria and is a preferred tourist destination. Its rich cultural life, beautiful ancient nature and peaceful atmosphere attract many foreign tourists, but it is also a popular destination for Bulgarians. It is an important economic, transport, historical, cultural, and educational centre.
Course Catalogue For Incoming Students
Every incoming student, who is participating in the Erasmus+ programme can choose between the following courses. All courses are available for each professional field – National Security, Economics, Administration and Management and are taught in English.
Bachelor and Master Programs
Course catalogue in English
The courses listed below are suitable for both bachelor and master students
Education in Study Program of “Economics”
All incoming students can choose their courses from the Economic education direction:
International Economic Relations
Business Informatics and Communications
Business Economics
Economics of Tourism
Environmental Economics
International Business
Education in Study Program of “Business administration and Management”
All incoming students can choose their courses from the Business administration and Management education direction:
Marketing and Strategic Planning
Quality management
Management of business information systems
Digital marketing
Management of digital markets
Education in Study Program of “National security”
All incoming students can choose their courses from the National security education direction:
Data retention
Basics of counter intelligence
International police
Cyber security
Аpplication Criteria
All Erasmus+ incoming students are requested to submit:
- Application Form for Incoming Students, which must be signed by Erasmus coordinator of the sending institution
- Learning Agreement, which must be approved and signed by the relative departmental coordinator and Erasmus coordinator of the sending institution
- Transcript of Records
The necessary documents must reach the International Office of HSSE before the arrival of the incoming students to the following address:
Erasmus+ and Projects Coordinator
Tel.: +359 88 239 2745
email: erasmus@vusi.bg
website: https://www.vusi.bg
The deadlines for incoming student applications are:
HSSE welcomes You in Plovdiv!
Credit methodology
ECTS credits are allocated in accordance with the required for completion of a course student workload. They have relative value and describe the quantity of work each course requires in relation to the total quantity of work required to complete a full year of academic study at the institution (lectures, practical and seminar exercises, individual work, individual work with the lecturer, research, projects, participation in practice, internships, course or diploma work, etc.).
The yearly workload comprises of 60 credits distributed to 30 credits per semester. All ECTS courses are mainstream courses of the participating institutions, as established for the home students of the institution.
HSSE average number of credits is 30 per semester (5 courses per semester- each 6 ECTS). HSSE methodology is to grant ECTS based 48% from knowledge (3 mid term exams max 16% each), 22% from skills and competences (class attendance 2%, class activity 4%, seminar paper and presentation 10% and essay 6%) and 30% from final exam. Credit transfer from other HEI started with submission of Official Requirement for ECTS recognition to HSSE IPD with attached Transcript with awarded credits. This requirement has to be approved from the Dean of the Faculty where student transfer credits, through the process of partial course acceptance from respective course professors. Professors analyzed course programs and suggest if additional credits have to be earned at HSSE or it can be granted 6 ECTS without additional activities. Based on such acceptance, HSSE IPD issue Decision for recognition and submit it to Education office where all students’ records are stored in student files.
Erasmus charter
HSSE holds the Erasmus+ charter for the new programm period.
Erasmus Policy Statement
Partner selection: HSSE will focus on new agreements with international partners based on shared scientific interest, similar academic objectives and faculty support. Selection of partners is based on some criteria such as: clear descriptions of their programmes, defined learning outcomes, credits, modern learning and teaching approaches. Agreements might not solely be created with establishments providing similar programmes but furthermore with those providing programmes that are complementary.
Geographical areas: As the quality and sustainability of the cooperation and mobility partnerships is of great importance the participation in Erasmus+ is an integral part of HSSE institutional strategy. HSSE will conclude new agreements for student and staff mobility with participating countries and countries from the rest of the world. The institution will further intensify and strengthen their existing contacts with the leading institutes and partners within the EU and EU’s neighbouring countries.
HSSE focus on regional development and close cross-border relations suggests its interest in increasing the strategic partnerships with the Balkan countries and Southeast European Union countries. Actions will be taken to intensify the already existing cooperation by using the capabilities of the Programme.
1. The countries of Western and Central Europe: In partnership with these countries, the goal is to implement joint projects in the field of higher education and knowledge transfer, methodology of teaching and management of the learning process through increased mobility of students, teachers and non-teaching staff. The expected outcomes are modernizing and adapting curricula and programs, improving the organization and management of the learning process and creating an effective quality control system. Achieving these results will make HSSE -Plovdiv part of the single European education system with common rules, criteria and standards.
2. Neighboring countries: The objective of developing international relations with neighboring countries is to increase the recognition of HSSE -Plovdiv through the implementation of joint scientific and educational projects with higher education institutions, non-governmental educational institutions, non-governmental organizations and business partners from the region, leading to an increase in the number of foreign students from these countries in HSSE.
3. Russia and the former Soviet republics: International relations with this group of countries are aimed at realizing joint projects in the field of research and higher education reform, in which HSSE will act as a link with the European education system. Efforts will be directed to the implementation of projects for the issue of double and / or joint degrees, which will increase the number of foreign students from those countries who take part in their training or who have short and long- term internships.
Important objectives and target groups: HSSE has special focus on teaching and research excellence thus seeks to engage students and staff in research projects and international study cooperation. Competences for staff and students could be acquired through exchange programs and study cooperation with partner universities.
The primary target group for HSSE exchange programmes is full-time students in first and second cycle programmes who want to expand their skill area through participation in cross-cultural learning environment both at HSSE campus and at HSSE partner institutions.
Higher School of Security and Economics aims to continue its project cooperation with trusted partner universities from EU and the rest of the world. In search for project partners HSSE is focused on institutions and projects with similar objectives and priorities. HSSE aims to improve the region’s working life, to work on issues with cross-border and European importance and to implement projects related to innovative teaching practices that could strengthen the “knowledge triangle”. With active cooperation with local business, other local and international higher education institutions, HSSE will focus on projects concentrated on modernisation, creative and innovative solutions in the fields of economics and security. This will help both participating universities and companies to keep up in modernisation process and in international competition. All departments are strongly involved with project implementation and quality assurance. As quality education is strongly connected to research and innovation and providing highly skilled and competitive human capital. Every year Project Management and Innovations Day is organised in order to bring together people from the business, teachers and students. The event represents a platform for transfer of knowledge, know-how and cutting edge innovations in the fields of economics and security. In the competitive economic environment new research partnerships are a necessity. HSSE works actively on building strategic partnerships with leading educational institutions on a national and international level. HSSE is focus on establishing new partnerships and knowledge alliances with both EU and non-EU higher education institutions in order to create valuable international cooperation and capacity building projects. By using the available human and material resources and know-how the HSSE strives to achieve excellence in education by maintaining its profile as a modern and innovative institution of highquality higher education and research.
Project management is focused on monitoring and implementation of planned activities by organising the available human resources into functional units.
Administartive activities include time and financial planning.
Quality controll is focused on timly monitoring of the planned activities with special emphasys on the end result. The Project coordinator will be responsible for the correct development and quality of the projects.
HSSE will focus on the priorities of the renewed EU Agenda for higher education. Participation in the Erasmus+ programme is important in providing opportunities for students to gain skills in working and/or studying in an international environment and in that way prepares them for participation in a global working environment. Participation in the programme will be an important means in strengthening the “knowledge triangle” by creating links between education, research and business and to promote excellence and innovation. The programme is of great importance for staff development as it provides to staff at all levels the various opportunities to meet colleagues at similar positions abroad, learn from others, share knowledge and best practices which is beneficial for the outbound and inbound institutions. Stronger work ties will result in more joint intensive programmes, joint curriculum development and joint degree programmes. These are initiatives that will be focused on incoming years: modern teaching practices focused on virtual classrooms and close cooperation on joint programmes, furthermore joint curriculum development and training of researchers to prepare for strategic global project cooperation. International students and staff are an important part of the development of the university human resources, campus society and culture.
Expected impact of participation in the Erasmus+ programme on the modernisation of HSSE:
The main objective of the HSSE modernisation and internationalization strategy is asserting its position as a leading Bulgarian educational, research and cultural institution, with global recognition, an area for contemporary research and innovation, desirable partner for project cooperation. Participation within the Erasmus+ programme will help the transfer and implementation of the achievements of educational and scientific experience specific to all fields of knowledge. We consider that the opportunities for international mobility will encourage students to enter higher education.
HSSE plans to strengthen the cooperation among business, university and research institutions and gain experience from partner countries. Participation in the Erasmus+ programme will help to provide more contacts with experienced partners while encouraging neighbor cooperation within different cross-border partners on education projects, teaching staff exchange and researcher experience.
Priority: Skills mismatches and promoting excellence – HSSE will use research as an input for inovative teaching practices, will Involve students in research activities in order to expand their knowledge and skills and will cooperate with local employers to improve the relevance of the curricula and the course content.
Priority: Innovation – HSSE will stimulate academic activities related to development of innovative thinking and entrepreneurship. Students will be encouraged to think about improvement of local businesses.
Priority: Supporting effective and efficient higher education systems – HSSE will encourage staff and students to participate in conferences, round tables, workshops and scientific forums associated with innovative competences building and international know how.
Higher School of Security and Economics aims to continue its project cooperation with trusted partner universities from EU and the rest of the world. In search for project partners HSSE is focused on institutions and projects with similar objectives and priorities. HSSE aims to improve the region’s working life, to work on issues with cross-border and European importance and to implement projects related to innovative teaching practices that could strengthen the “knowledge triangle”. With active cooperation with local business, other local and international higher education institutions, HSSE will focus on projects concentrated on modernisation, creative and innovative solutions in the fields of economics and security. This will help both participating universities and companies to keep up in modernisation process and in international competition. All departments are strongly involved with project implementation and quality assurance. As quality education is strongly connected to research and innovation and providing highly skilled and competitive human capital. Every year Project Management and Innovations Day is organised in order to bring together people from the business, teachers and students. The event represents a platform for transfer of knowledge, know-how and cutting edge innovations in the fields of economics and security. In the competitive economic environment new research partnerships are a necessity. HSSE works actively on building strategic partnerships with leading educational institutions on a national and international level. HSSE is focus on establishing new partnerships and knowledge alliances with both EU and non-EU higher education institutions in order to create valuable international cooperation and capacity building projects. By using the available human and material resources and know-how the HSSE strives to achieve excellence in education by maintaining its profile as a modern and innovative institution of highquality higher education and research.
Higher School of Security and Economics will focus on the priorities of the renewed EU Agenda for higher education. Participation in the Erasmus+ programme is important in providing opportunities for students to gain skills in working and/or studying in an international environment and in that way prepares them for participation in a global working environment. Participation in the programme will be an important means in strengthening the “knowledge triangle” by creating links between education, research and business and to promote excellence and innovation. The programme is of great importance for staff development as it provides to staff at all levels the various opportunities to meet colleagues at similar positions abroad, learn from others, share knowledge and best practices which is beneficial for the outbound and inbound institutions. Stronger work ties will result in more joint intensive programmes, joint curriculum development and joint degree programmes. These are initiatives that will be focused on incoming years: modern teaching practices focused on virtual classrooms and close cooperation on joint programmes, furthermore joint curriculum development and training of researchers to prepare for strategic global project cooperation. International students and staff are an important part of the development of the university human resources, campus society and culture.
Expected impact of participation in the Erasmus+ programme on the modernisation of HSSE:
The main objective of the HSSE modernisation and internationalization strategy is asserting its position as a leading Bulgarian educational, research and cultural institution, with global recognition, an area for contemporary research and innovation, desirable partner for project cooperation. Participation within the Erasmus+ programme will help the transfer and implementation of the achievements of educational and scientific experience specific to all fields of knowledge. We consider that the opportunities for international mobility will encourage students to enter higher education.
HSSE plans to strengthen the cooperation among business, university and research institutions and gain experience from partner countries. Participation in the Erasmus+ programme will help to provide more contacts with experienced partners while encouraging neighbor cooperation within different cross-border partners on education projects, teaching staff exchange and researcher experience.
Priority: Skills mismatches and promoting excellence – HSSE will use research as an input for inovative teaching practices, will involve students in research activities in order to expand their knowledge and skills and will cooperate with local employers to improve the relevance of the curricula and the course content.
Priority: Innovation – HSSE will stimulate academic activities related to development of innovative thinking and entrepreneurship. Students will be encouraged to think about improvement of local businesses.
Priority: Supporting effective and efficient higher education systems – HSSE will encourage staff and students to participate in conferences, round tables, workshops and scientific forums associated with innovative competences building and international know how.
Partner selection: HSSE will focus on new agreements with international partners based on shared scientific interest, similar academic objectives and faculty support. Selection of partners is based on some criteria such as: clear descriptions of their programmes, defined learning outcomes, credits, modern learning and teaching approaches. Agreements might not solely be created with establishments providing similar programmes but furthermore with those providing programmes that are complementary.
Geographical areas: As the quality and sustainability of the cooperation and mobility partnerships is of great importance the participation in Erasmus+ is an integral part of HSSE institutional strategy. HSSE will conclude new agreements for student and staff mobility with participating countries and countries from the rest of the world. The institution will further intensify and strengthen their existing contacts with the leading institutes and partners within the EU and EU’s neighbouring countries.
HSSE focus on regional development and close cross-border relations suggests its interest in increasing the strategic partnerships with the Balkan countries and Southeast European Union countries. Actions will be taken to intensify the already existing cooperation by using the capabilities of the Programme.
1. The countries of Western and Central Europe: In partnership with these countries, the goal is to implement joint projects in the field of higher education and knowledge transfer, methodology of teaching and management of the learning process through increased mobility of students, teachers and non-teaching staff. The expected outcomes are modernizing and adapting curricula and programs, improving the organization and management of the learning process and creating an effective quality control system. Achieving these results will make HSSE -Plovdiv part of the single European education system with common rules, criteria and standards.
2. Neighboring countries: The objective of developing international relations with neighboring countries is to increase the recognition of HSSE -Plovdiv through the implementation of joint scientific and educational projects with higher education institutions, non-governmental educational institutions, non-governmental organizations and business partners from the region, leading to an increase in the number of foreign students from these countries in HSSE.
3. Russia and the former Soviet republics: International relations with this group of countries are aimed at realizing joint projects in the field of research and higher education reform, in which HSSE will act as a link with the European education system. Efforts will be directed to the implementation of projects for the issue of double and / or joint degrees, which will increase the number of foreign students from those countries who take part in their training or who have short and long-term internships.
Important objectives and target groups: HSSE has special focus on teaching and research excellence thus seeks to engage students and staff in research projects and international study cooperation. Competences for staff and students could be acquired through exchange programs and study cooperation with partner universities.
The primary target group for HSSE exchange programmes is full-time students in first and second cycle programmes who want to expand their skill area through participation in cross-cultural learning environment both at HSSE campus and at HSSE partner institutions.